
Benefits of Infant Massage

The benefits of infant massage, positive touch and skin-to-skin are widely documented. All of the blissful bebe courses include positive touch and massage strokes which offer wonderful benefits, for both you as a parent, and of course, for your baby.

The benefits of baby massage include:

  • bonding between you and baby
  • improving mood in you and baby
  • increasing levels of oxytocin (love hormone) in you and baby
  • decreasing levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in you and baby
  • increasing your confidence in handling baby
  • promoting secure attachment between you and baby
  • improved sleep for baby
  • helping baby feel loved
  • reduced crying and emotional distress for baby
  • aiding digestion for baby
  • relieving pain for baby eg. teething, colic, wind
  • positive interaction between you and baby
  • a supportive circle to share amongst parents
  • increased parental awareness of baby’s cues
  • developing baby’s body awareness and coordination
  • regulating baby’s heart rate, blood sugar and temperature with skin-to-skin


Benefits of Baby Yoga

Birthlight offer an extensive list of the many benefits of Baby Yoga for you and for baby. As a Certified Infant Massage Instructor I include some gentle baby massage strokes as an intro to each session of Baby Yoga too, thus increasing the benefits even further!

The benefits of blissful bebe yoga include:

  • the physical benefits of gentle exercise for you both
  • the physiological benefits of stimulating all of baby’s bodily systems
  • the developmental benefits of helping babies progress from one stage to another
  • the psychological benefits of positive active interactions between you and baby
  • the spiritual benefits of connecting with your breath, your body and your baby
  • the benefits to mental health of joint relaxation for you and baby
  • the benefits of community in joining a circle to meet like-minded friends
