
European Babywearing Week!

This week we celebrate babies being carried – in arms, in slings, in LOVE. As a first-time mum, I had an uncomfortable baby carrier that I got cheap second hand and it gave me back ache, but I kept searching for better, because I loved carrying my baby and I wanted to keep going. I…

How does time in nature benefit us?

Humankind has an innate biological connection with nature. This ‘biophilia’, a term coined by naturalist Dr. Edward O. Wilson, describes our natural feeling to be drawn toward nature, to feel a love and affinity for it. We are part of nature and it is part of us. There is a growing body of research confirming…

Brand new for 2021 – blissful bebe in nature!

The last year has been incredibly challenging for everyone, especially new parents. The isolation, the trauma, the change in birth plans and scans (partner/no partner allowed), the anxiety, the lack of baby groups and social interaction have made maternity/paternity leave tough for so many. As human beings we have a fundamental need for connection and…